

Profile Education My Skill Working Experiences Language Programming Language

Sila Rim / ​​រឹម​ ស៊ីឡា

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       Hi there, I’m Sila, a Senior Front-End Developer with over 7 years of experience in developing web and mobile hybrid applications. I have completed more than 15 projects using modern frameworks like ReactJS, React Native, VueJS, and TypeScript. I have contributed significantly to various projects such as telecom apps, booking, ectomere, real estate, learning platforms, crypto market and more.

I developing projects following best practices, solving problem, and and keep myself updated with the latest technologies. I work in an agile manner and well communicate . In my free time, I contribute to open-source projects on GitHub and Npm. There, I have built reusable libraries such as react generator tools and my own component library to speed up development processes.

I enjoy creating clean and structured applications and take great care to ensure the code is free of errors by using tools such as ESlint, Stylelint, and Webpack. I also write unit tests to ensure each part of the project is predictable and maintainable. To optimize performance and user experience, I use code-splitting, server-side rendering (SSR) and fully optimize the web application for search engines.


My Skill

  Frontend: ['React', 'React Native', 'electronjs','VueJs', 'Nuxt', 'Next Js','Umijs','Typescript','javascript','AJAX' ,'JSON'],
  StateManagement: ['Redux Saga/Thunk', 'Context', 'Apollo GraphQl','Atomic'],
  frontendUI: ['Html5', 'Antd Design', 'Tailwind' 'MUI', 'Bootstrap 4', 'Css3', 'Sass', 'Less' ,'StyledJs','mdx'],
  tools: ['Firebase','SocketIo', 'Jest','Testing React Library','WebPack', 'Npm', 'Eslint','Pretty'],
  toolsDesign: ['Adobe XD','Figma'],
  Cloud: ['Docker','Vercel','Digital Ocean', 'Netlify','Linux'],
  basicSkill: ['NodeJs','Linux','Java', 'flutter'],
  myOpenSourceProject: ['Template Starter','Npm Library','Generator Tool'],
  other: ['Vs code', 'Postman', 'Jira' , 'Trello'],

Working Experiences

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Programming Language:

reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative reactnative

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